Instagram Engagement by Day of the Week - Website Pro USA
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Instagram Engagement by Day of the Week

Instagram Engagement by Day of the Week

Which days of the week do brands post most on Instagram? Are there certain days when audiences tend to engage more with brand posts?

To find out, Unmetricexamined the Instagram posts and engagement levels (likes and comments on posts) of 100 US-focused brands in a range of industries. The data was collected between November 15 and December 22, 2017.

The brands examined publish the most posts to Instagram on Thursdays and Tuesdays.

Total interactions are also highest on Thursdays and Tuesdays.

Although total Instagram posts by brands and total interactions by audiences vary widely by day of the week, the average number of interactions per post is fairly uniform throughout the week, the analysis found.

Days on which brands tend to post less, such as Sunday and Wednesday, have a slightly higher average number of interactions per post. Friday has the lowest average number of interactions per Instagram post.

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