Pinterest for Business: Seven Helpful Tips [Infographic] - Website Pro USA
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Pinterest for Business: Seven Helpful Tips [Infographic]

Pinterest for Business: Seven Helpful Tips [Infographic]

Pinterest is an oft-overlooked social media platform, but it has more than 200 million monthly active users who spend an average of 14+ minutes on the site per visit. As a marketer, if your target audience is on Pinterest, you'll want to be there as well.

But many marketers are unsure how to use Pinterest as a business, much less how to monetize it.

The following infographic, created by custom website development agency Branex, explains seven ways marketers can make Pinterest work for them.

For example, the graphic suggests that simply pinning images from you site is not enough; by adding metadata to those pins, you can create "rich pins" that let users know what to expect before clicking. You can also use Pinterest ads to extend the reach of your pins, much like you can on other social platforms.

Ready to get pinning? Check out the graphic for more ideas:

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