How SEO Agencies Can Stay Profitable During a Downturn [Webinar] via @lorenbaker - Website Pro USA
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How SEO Agencies Can Stay Profitable During a Downturn [Webinar] via @lorenbaker

How SEO Agencies Can Stay Profitable During a Downturn [Webinar] via @lorenbaker

Being proactive in the face of economic downturns and natural crises is critical for any business.

One thing we learned from the 2008 recession is that marketing budgets are first to get cut – shrinking up to 30%.

That is why now is an important moment for SEO agencies to focus on the productivity and well-being of their teams, and above all, good client management.

Communication and care are crucial for navigating market uncertainties while transforming processes that keep SEOs profitable.

Join our next Search Engine Journal webinar on Wednesday, March 25 at 2 p.m. ET as Alen-Jelco Todorov of SEOmonitor offers tips on how SEO agencies can be proactive and prevent high churn in the face of an economic downturn.

In this presentation, we will:

  • Explore strategic ways to prepare for an economic downturn as an SEO agency.
  • Identify what effective communication with clients is during a recession.
  • Determine how to assess SEO resources and opportunities in a time of budget cuts.
  • Uncover the silver lining – what industries thrive in this scenario.

I will host a live Q&A session following the presentation.

See you soon!


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