Leverage Geolocation Data to Deliver a Better Site Experience with ipdata.co via @ipdata_co - Website Pro USA
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Leverage Geolocation Data to Deliver a Better Site Experience with ipdata.co via @ipdata_co

Leverage Geolocation Data to Deliver a Better Site Experience with ipdata.co via @ipdata_co

Identify the Company Your Site Visitors Work For

Leverage Geolocation Data to Deliver a Better Site Experience with ipdata.coLeverage Geolocation Data to Deliver a Better Site Experience with ipdata.co

You can also use IPData.co to identify the company of a person visiting your website.

This is particularly useful to marketing teams who are trying to determine if a target account is visiting their business’ website and what pages they’re frequenting.

It’s a useful prospecting tool that gives you insight into what products a potential client is interested in.

In addition to prospecting, company detection also allows you to customize an experience for a particular company.

For example, you could build landing pages that say “Hello Microsoft” for Microsoft users, and customize the copy on that page to highlight enterprise use cases of your software.

Stay GDPR-Compliant with IPData

If you’re in the EU, you’re probably wondering if IPData.co is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The answer is yes, most definitely.

IPData.co is completely GDPR compliant and is used by hundreds of organizations as part of their GDPR strategy.

IPData.co Has a Vast Infrastructure System to Support You, Wherever You Are

IPData.co runs in data centers all over the world, which means obtaining data will never slow down your website, nor will you ever experience any downtime.

IPData.co has servers across the United States, and in international data centers in:

  • Canada
  • São Paulo
  • Frankfurt
  • Sydney
  • Seoul
  • London
  • Mumbai

IPData.co offers latency-based routing, and proudly serves millions of requests daily at an average speed of 65 milliseconds.

IPData.co regularly updates its data and checks for changes in IP address allocations daily.

Protect Your Business with IP Address Proxy Detection

If you are running a promo or free trial, you can protect your site from abuse by detecting users who are using a proxy service.

You can use IPData.co as a substitute for CAPTCHAs.

You can also block visitors from locations that are high risk.

With IPData, you can take a proactive stance against fraudulent and malicious activity.

Users have access to their database of more than 600 million malicious IP addresses, open proxies, tor nodes, spammers, botnets, attackers, and more.

IPData.co’s threat data is updated approximately every 15 minutes.

Create a Seamless User Experience with Simplified Form Input

Save users time by implementing simplified form input.

When you identify where your visitors are coming from, you can have your site autofill any forms by calling on the API.

The forms can then automatically populate the user’s country, as well as things like their country calling code, postal code, and city code.

Get Started with IPData.co for Free

Ready to take your customer’s experience to the next level?

Then get started with IPData.co!

You can make up to 1,500 requests daily for free – sign up to get a complimentary API key here.

If you need more than 1,500 requests, you can upgrade your account.

IPData.co has plans starting at $10 per month, which include additional daily requests, robust security features, bulk lookup, and email support.

There are also additional discounts when you purchase annually.

Try it today – you can get started in just five minutes.

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