Quora Launches Lead Generation Forms for Advertisers & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST] - Website Pro USA
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Quora Launches Lead Generation Forms for Advertisers & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST]

Quora Launches Lead Generation Forms for Advertisers & This Week’s Digital Marketing News [PODCAST]

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Jess Budde, Greg Finn, and Christine “Shep” Zirnheld are here to deliver the digital marketing news of the week with another episode of Marketing O’Clock.

Plus, we have adorable new ideas for Google Product Feed attributes, share our favorite SEO-as seen on TV crossover meme, and try our hardest to make it as America’s next top B2B influencers.

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Quora lead generation forms

Quora announced that they are launching lead generation forms so advertisers can capture lead data without making users leave Quora.com.

At this time, there are 12 form fields to choose from including contact information, employment information, and location information.

Data collected from these new forms can be used in your CRM through a Zapier integration.

New Bing Webmaster Tools

Bing announced the full release of its shiny new Bing Webmaster Tools.

New features include a robots.txt tester, an on-demand site audit tool that checks for SEO issues, and a URL Inspection tool to checks for indexing issues.

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They’ve also made improvements to existing reports, updated the verification process, and streamlined the site navigation experience.

Competition in Google Search results

In a new study, 15,000 Google queries were examined and 41% of the results on the first page of Google mobile search results were for Google properties.

The study includes Google dictionary definitions, “people also ask boxes”, the knowledge panel, and related search carousels in their definition of Google properties.

Then, Rishabh Rastogi reminds us why sales and marketing are a match made in B2B heaven.

You can spot an incompetent #b2b marketer (or team) by analysing how well/closely they work with sales.

If ur not working in close proximity with sales (for whatever reason) it's a sure shot recipe for failure.

They are your biggest asset. There's no grey area here.#marketing

— Rishabh Rastogi (@rishabh_r47) July 29, 2020

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ICYMI, Bryant Garvin, has some thoughts on what’s wrong with the industry.

There are too many generalists that don’t understand the details

And too many specialists that don’t get how their specific area fits into the bigger picture

— Bryant Garvin (@BryantGarvin) July 28, 2020

Then we answer your digital marketing questions during our lightning round segment:

  • Who may be able to use your TikTok videos for ads?
  • What do you need to know about Local Service Ads?
  • When did podcast listens return to pre-COVID levels?
  • Where you might see larger font in Google search ads
  • Why TikTok creators may be getting a huge payout from Instagram
  • How many hours a day do people spend using apps?

If you enjoyed the sure, be sure to head over to the Marketing O’Clock site to subscribe!

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Featured Image Credit: Cypress North

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